
Best AI Testing Automation Tools In 2023

Automated testing is the optimal solution for every tech business as they strive to improve their continuous development streams. Successful test cases are the result of the meticulous use of the best ai testing tools. Choosing the best framework for your company and getting ahead of your competitors requires you to delve into the best AI testing automation tools in 2023. 

What is AI software testing?

Intuitively, AI software testing refers to diverse quality testing activities conducted for software systems using well-defined quality validation models, methods, and tools powered by artificial intelligence. Its major objective is to validate system intelligence, functions and features developed based on machine learning models, techniques and technologies for the benefit of your business. There are two major keys in AI-powered software testing:

  • To authenticate the intelligence of your AI- technology consider intelligent capabilities as well as intelligent behaviors
  • To ensure the high quality of testing in terms of the under-test system quality parameters.
Why businesses need the best AI testing tools
  • Many current and future software will be built with AI-based features and functions.
  • Existing techniques and tools are not adequate to test AI-based features and functions
  • Lack of AI-based testing methods and solutions for AI software

AI tools for test automation

Some of the top AI-based test automation tools for testing are listed below and getting the best from each depends on your business’s unique requirements.

  • Mabl


Mabl is one of the best AI test automation tools known by developers. It is an enterprise SaaS solution that uses low-code test automation to strengthen high-velocity software teams. With mabl, you have a unified platform to craft, execute, and maintain test automation across mobiles, browsers and API. The result is quick delivery of product releases; applications and software. Charles Schwab, jetBlue and Dollar Shave Club are some of the famous businesses that make use of mabl to have stunning digital experiences.

Best AI Testing Automation Tools In 2023

Key Features

  • API testing
  • SaaS testing
  • Data-driven testing
  • Accessibility
  • Auto-healing


Startup, Growth and enterprise plans are available and the price is customized.

  • Functionize


Functionize is one of the best AI-based test automation tools that use Artificial Intelligence as well as Machine Learning possibilities to form intelligent testing software. The software test provided by Functionize helps in identifying the laborious software testing process. 

We work with teams of all sizes and skill sets to improve test creation, eliminate test flakiness and accelerate releases with elastic scale testing in the cloud. The Functionize cloud-based platform enables enterprise teams to rapidly accelerate software development while eliminating traditional test scripts, test maintenance and the need for a large QA team.

Key Features

  • Self Healing
  • Test Editing
  • Computer vision to get a deeper understanding of test intent
  • Dynamic and customised learning
  • Highest accuracy


Functionize offers two flexible plans namely Team & Enterprise for business purposes. Connect with them now to get a detailed quote.


  • Testim


Testim is a platform where AI is used to power testing for client-centric applications. With the Testim automation tool, businesses can rest assured of fast releases of updates as the platform process recent information to help with minimal maintenance as well as quality testing. AI testing tools like Testim prove to be the best when it comes to AI-powered testing. 

Best AI Testing Automation Tools In 2023

Key Features

  • Record modular tests
  • Javascript customization
  • Root cause analysis
  • Auto-improving smart locators


Testim offers three plans which can be chosen depending on your business type. The pricing is calculated upon request for the AI testing tool.

  • Community: Free
  • Essentials: $450 per month
  • Pro: $1,000 per month


  • Applitools


Utilizing the expertise of Applitools, test automation will be super easy so your business can come up with the best applications; namely mobile, native and web apps. It is the only commercial-grade, visual AI testing tool that validates all the visual aspects of any Web, Mobile and Native app in a fully automated way. It provides CI/CD in cross-browsers. 

Best AI Testing Automation Tools In 2023

Key Features

  • Visual AI testing
  • Track bugs and their root causes
  • Simultaneous updates
  • Every interface is compatible with Applitools


Starter, Eyes and Ultrafast Test Cloud are the three plans offered by Applitools. The tool also provides custom pricing.

  • TestCraft


TestCraft is one of the best AI-based test automation tools. It is a renowned continuous testing platform and the right kind of use allows DevOps teams to have full automation in DevOps.

Key Features

  • Without code, the team can repeat tests
  • Adaptive AI/ML technology
  • Full-fledged automated testing with scriptless testing tools
  • Quick automation


  • Live Plan – $ 83
  • Automate  Plan – $ 125
  • Scriptless – Custom pricing
  • Enterprise custom pricing


  • Eggplant Functional


Eggplant functional is also one of the most appreciated AI testing tools to date. It’s a cross-platform-friendly solution that can be used anywhere. It makes use of image-based technology and does not mind if there are many scripts. Most of the OS support Eggplant Functional and it is a highly reliable automation testing tool. 

Best AI Testing Automation Tools In 2023

Key Features

  • Flexible test designs are available to select
  • Improved testing and monitoring
  • Any technology can be tested and monitored
  • Real-time devices are used for testing


The tool offers a free trial and a quotation-based pricing plan.


  • Playwright


Using a single API, Playwright provides end-to-end for your software as well as web applications. Like Forefox, many web browsers can be tested using a single API system. Cross-browser web automation is the most highlighted peculiarity of Playwright. 

Key Features

  • End- to end testing
  • Ease of usability
  • Parallel browsing testing capability
  • GUI tools use for debugging


Their official website doesn’t list a dedicated pricing plan.


  • Katalon


DevOps teams across the globe utilize Katalon to deliver high-quality testing for their applications. Katalon is regarded as one of the most sought-after AI test automation tools used in software development despite the product environment or application. The platform accelerates end-to-end software development by powering the authoring, execution, and insights of test automation.  

Key Features

  • Low code while high scalability
  • Flexible test designs are available to select
  • A myriad of testing methodologies supported
  • Top-notch native integration along with CI/CD and ALM tools


Katalon offers both monthly and annual plans which are priced differently. By opting for the annual plans, you can save up to 16%

  • Free Plan
  • Premium Plan – $29 per month| $25 per month ($299 billed annually)
  • Ultimate Plan – Upon request


  • Ranorex Studio

To deliver high-quality mobile applications as well as desktop applications, full-fledged automation is provided by Ranorex Studio. Despite tools,  platforms and devices, Ranorex Studio supports test automation processes. Codeless test creation helps cross-functional teams to collaborate on solutions. A reusable test automation module is a peculiar feature of Ranorex Studio.  

Key Features

  • Intuitive & data-driven automation
  • GUI object recognition
  • Flexible test suit structure
  • Bespoke test reports
  • Remote Testing

Pricing: The platform offers a free trial period and after that, the pricing is applied upon request.


  • Sauce Labs


Saucalab provides error reporting solutions for all kinds of businesses along with continuous testing solutions at a high velocity. It is regarded as the most reliable continuous testing platform. Being one of the best AI test automation tools, it delivers a 360-degree view of a customer’s application experience, helping businesses improve the quality of their user experience by assuring the intended application is the best on every platform, browser or gadget.

Best AI Testing Automation Tools In 2023

Key Features

  • Supports most the operating systems
  • Cross-browser testing
  • Source low-code
  • Top-notch API quality


  • Live Plan -$ 19 per month
  • Automated $ 149 per month
  • Unlimited automated $ 298 per month


Wrapping up

Now that you have a list of some of the best automation tools powered by artificial intelligence, why don’t you leverage their potential for improving your business operations and in turn, the company’s long-term success? There are even more tools in the online world. If you are in doubt, about which is the best for your business, consult with us and our team will tell you the right one suited for your brand.

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