How to generate alt text?
If you are an SEO professional, you need to find the answer immediately. Alt text writing should be part of your SEO efforts as it alone brings huge website traffic to business websites. Google, the search giant itself dedicates resources on how to effectively write an alt text. In this blog, you will get to know the alt text benefits and how to generate lat text to improve SEO.

What is alt text?
Alternative text or alt text is a text that elucidates the content of the image. It is usually not so long and exclusively detailed. Including alt text on your website helps end-users as well as search engines. For example, visually impaired people and increased search engine rank are primary advantages. You can see alt text if the web browser fails to lay the whole page fully and without seeing the image you can get an idea of the content.
Why care about alt text?
Understanding how to write alt tags is a skill set that any copywriter or SEO professional needs to be adept at. There are multiple reasons:
Accessibility – Being a business owner, you need to provide accessibility of information to everyone including the visually disabled target audience. That is what you can achieve with an alt text. To make content accessible, you should include alt text. Many tools can detect altt ext and transcribe it to languages.
Improved user experience – Overall user experience can be elevated right away. It is true for every user and failed browser experience. If the image lacks loading on a web page, the reader can still understand the content.
Boost SEO – SEO aims at increased accessibility and online visibility. This is what an effective alt text promises. It boosts your SEO campaigns and SERP ranks.
Image Traffic – Improving the overall image visibility and alt text increases image traffic to your website. Just like alt text, image quality also matters. Images alone can bring new traffic every month for your business. That is what Hubspot achieved so far. At least you can gain unique traffic anyway.
Brand Protection and Identity – You are a business owner and your brand is your asset. Brand protection and brand identity of your intangible assets can be secured using your quality images with an effective alternative text.
Facial recognition search – Alt text in digital content is a must-have if you want to utilize the AI-powered facial recognition search.
What end-users want from alt text
- Detailed information about the images is expected but it varies as per context and how effectively alt text written
- If the image is about people the subject’s gender, race, job, and physical appearance depicted
- Contextual information and demographic information
Alt text examples
- Illustrations
- Photos
- Icons
- Diagrams
How to Write Alt Tags
Alt text’s importance creates an emergency for companies to come up with instant alt text using Artificial intelligence, machine learning and other software. Whatever means you have selected, it is essential to focus on image alt text best strides:
Be concise – When it comes to alt text creation, you need to cut short unnecessary words and fluffy language. Always make it short and you do not have to overstrain it. One or two sentences with the right words can provide enough details. Aim for 125 characters or below.
Not very detail can be explained – Infinite details on a given image can’t be elucidated in the alt text. Instead of writing every detail what you can do is provide contextual information. You can cleverly explain the purpose of the image.
Follow grammar – Cut unnecessary words such as the picture shows, the picture the image and so on. Always close your sentence with a full stop and add an appropriate punctuation mark. The spelling should be correct.
Be specific – As specific as possible when it comes to writing alternative text. You can use the image content and its context to write an alt text.
You can use keywords – If it is a possible thing you can add one or two keywords in alt text. If it looks fiddly, avoid it as much as possible from alt text.
Don’t count every image – You may include images for SEO purposes, contexts and simply for visual appeal. It is up to you to exclude or include images for alt text. Certainly, you need not add alternative text to each image on a web page. That would be a waste of resources. For example, non-informative images.
Alt text and SEO
Alt text has a great place in search engine optimization. Alt text helps you bag better ranks on almost all search engines.
- When search engines index images, the overall content on a page can be easily understood. So, it improves accessibility for end-users.
- The subject matter of the image increases your chance of getting a next-level SERP ranking
- Alt text is important for Search Generative Experience and helps in context determination on search engines. So, Google showcases your image as the best quality one in search results.
Images on your website overall provide positive experiences. It makes your website more readable and visually appealing. Not only compressing and resizing images help SEO but as we have seen the alt text SEO. Meticulous and non-complex images on a website need alt text. Anyone can write alternative text considering industry practices approved by search engines as well as veteran digital marketers. The key is to satisfy your readers and search engines such as Google and Bing.
You already know the importance of including images on websites and landing pages using mid-journey for image generation. But we may often overlook the relevance of Alt Text SEO. You now know the importance of having one on your website. With immense professional support from an SEO company in UAE, you can understand how to generate alt text for various web pages. Therefore, when Google crawls and indexes your page along with alternative text it gives you a boost in SERP.
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