Five days before making an offer to buy Twitter, billionaire Elon Musk asked, “Is Twitter dying?”
With Twitter trending as a major social media platform, many users turn to little blue bird! as their go-to source for the latest information on anything of interest. This gives influencers and marketers an incredible opportunity to attract attention, but is Elon Musk’s Twitter worth the time?
You may be curious how COVID, the drama surrounding the US elections, the conflict in Ukraine, and everything else in the world will affect Twitter’s future. Will it stay, or is its heyday over? In short, is Twitter shutting down? The answer is: yes, but with Elon Musk, Twitter is also growing.
Under new leadership, Elon Musk, Twitter Blue is a paid version of the platform that not only gives users verification or the blue check mark, but the subscription also ensures that tweets are featured more.

Shifting Interests of Twitter Users
According to Reuters, a recent internal Twitter survey found that the interests of Twitter’s most active English-speaking users have changed over the past two years, which could make the site less appealing to marketers. The survey found that among English-speaking heavy users, interest in cryptocurrencies and “not safe for work” (NSFW) content, which includes nudity and pornography, is growing fast.
At the same time, users’ interest in news, sports, and entertainment is waning. Tweets on these topics are the most attractive to advertisers, contributing to Twitter’s reputation as the “world’s “digital town square,” as Musk famously put it. This shift in user interest may pose a serious problem for Elon Musk’s Twitter which is why so many people are claiming that Twitter is dying.
Declining Number of Heavy Tweeters
Is Twitter losing users and if so, how many people have left Twitter? The research on whether or not Twitter is dead also found that the platform needs help retaining its most active users. This group of Twitter users is essential to the company’s operations, highlighting another difficulty Elon Musk’s Twitter faces.
Less than 10% of monthly active users are “heavy tweeters,” but they produce 90% of all tweets and 50% of global income. In an internal paper titled “Where did the Tweeters Go,” a Twitter researcher claimed that heavy tweeters have been in “total decline” since the pandemic onset. As defined in the document, a “heavy tweeter” is one who tweets roughly three to four times per week and logs on to Twitter more than six days a week.
Impressive User Base of Twitter
Is Twitter dying? Well, despite the decline in the number of frequent Tweeters, the user base of Elon Musk’s Twitter is still impressive. With Twitter trending as a popular social media channel, it should be no surprise that it has more than 350 million active users. While that’s a far cry from social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, it’s still a sizable user base for marketers pursuing solid marketing goals.
More and more people are finding themselves online while their mobility in the real world is decreasing. Assuming that Twitter’s user base will continue to grow isn’t unreasonable.
Twitter’s preferred metric for quantifying its user base is “monetizable daily active users” (mDAU). According to this metric, the number of users has increased by 27% year-over-year. At 192 million mDAU, this is a significant increase; there will be more opportunities to converse, socialize and attract attention.
The figures suggest that Twitter is not treading water and will continue to attract new users, although no one is holding out hope that its user base will ever threaten that of the better-known social media platforms.
Twitter Stats on Gender
Nearly 7 out of 10 Twitter users are men, according to statistics on the gender distribution of the user base. In the U.S., the difference is much smaller: 56% of users are men and 44% are women. What is certain, however, is that Twitter primarily appeals to the male demographic, though this could change.
Although more men use Twitter, research shows that women are more likely to engage with brands there. All marketers and influencers need to consider these factors when deciding how to develop content and narrow their audience.
Twitter Demographics
Another statistic from the collection of Twitter analytics in light of the question “is Twitter dying” included keeping an eye on the age groups you have in your audience pool. Most Twitter users are between the ages of 35 and 49, and 75% of all users are between 18 and 49, with minimal differences between the main age groups. In other words, Twitter remains popular with people of all ages, as both the older and younger generations want to experience the discourse. Overall, that implies Twitter has positive indicators.

Evolution of Twitter Content
Has Twitter lost users? Well, there has been a massive shift in how users share and interact with content. Twitter reports a 62% year-over-year increase in video views and a 72% increase in watch time. Given this news, it appears that Twitter has fully embraced the rise of video content.
When everyone stayed home during the pandemic, Twitter users discussed the sports events they had sorely missed, as well as their favorite TV shows and video games. There was a flood of tweets about video games and sports.
Marketing Potential of Elon Musk’s Twitter
According to one statistic, Twitter is used by 82% of B2B marketers as part of their organic content marketing strategy, the same number as Facebook. However, only 27% use Twitter ads, and most use them occasionally. This suggests a lot of untapped opportunities for marketers in the B2B space, especially considering the potential for ad engagement. For example, Twitter reports a 15% increase in click-through rate (CTR) for carousel ads on the web app compared to single-asset ads. In the mobile app, this increase in CTR is even higher: 24%. So, is Twitter dying? Not yet, there’s still untapped potential for the changing platform.
Is Twitter Dying?
There you have it; it is obvious that Elon Musk’s Twitter is set to play a significant role in our social media environment due to its impressive user base, new prospects for them, and a world that won’t stop sharing. More individuals than ever are searching for ways to stay connected, and many of them may use Twitter. So, if you are grappling with the question, “Is Twitter dying?” and wondering if Twitter’s best days are over, it might be a good idea to put that thought on hold for now.
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