With the fast-paced changes happening in the digital world, Pinterest has emerged as a social media or search engine with a different focus and content as the platform shares millions of unique ideas, which you can use in real-life events. The platform has a steadily increasing number of users and it has achieved success in recent years. 

Every social media, including Pinterest, can be SEO-optimised for the benefit of business. Pinterest SEO is booming and when executed correctly helps your business thrive and get steady traffic. In this blog, you will learn how does Pinterest SEO work and the Pinterest SEO tips to follow. You can rest assured that how SEO for Pinterest is not rocket science. 

SEO for pinterest
SEO for pinterest

Pinterest for businesses

Pinterest, being the virtual, visual pin board is a huge pool if you want to amass a large amount of traffic. The site covers ideas in the format of images and videos covering different niches. A business owner from any industry can benefit from the platform. Pinterest SEO applied in the right way helps boost traffic. 

Pinterest allows users to pin images or videos. These pins also contain links, comments and descriptions. You can pin images from your website or other additional resources.  Users can also search for images and topics on Pinterest and memorize relevant content found on a virtual pin board. This is where Pinterest SEO plays a key role. 

Pinterest SEO

SEO for Pinterest implies augmenting your Pinterest pins and profiles with SEO strategies to boost traffic flow and sales. You can get traffic paid and organic based on tactics you commit to. Pinterest will grow steadily for years. One reason is its enormous economic potential. 

The quality of the service provided accentuates the need to opt for Pinterest SEO. A veteran SEO expert understands the unique nature of the platform and the traffic comes from social proof and engagement tactics. Pins are bookmarks that people use to save ideas they love on the site. Once they find the best idea, they can take action right away. 

Pinterest SEO best practices

These are the renowned Pinterest SEO best practices. We have covered the most basic and if you want you can explore Pinterest SEO tips with the help of a qualified SEO company in Dubai

  • You should have a business Pinterest account

SEO for Pinterest work if you have a solid business profile. Even if the one account is personal you can make it a business account to start pinning relevant ideas and information of business right away.

  • Eye-catching username

Eye-catching and crisp user name finding may not be a daunting task if you understand your USP. Ensure the user name is concise and easily recalled by your target audience. Maybe a username can start with a keyword or product name. 

  • Add  your website

You already know the importance of a website for business, If you have one for business, claim it on Pinterest by logging on to your business profile. So that the right people can explore your services or products more. 

  • Collect keywords by researching 

Top keywords related to your business or products need to be included in your pins to get more traffic of the right kind. Researching the right keywords or probable words helps you go near the people who are not only searching for a specific item but possess strong purchasing power. 

Much data and research on Pinterest engagement reveal that people are top decision-makers and they plan everything. Without proper keyword inclusion, you will certainly miss a great number of people.

  • Map conversions and  lead goals

To get high leads and conversion rates, you need to map your conversion and lead goals. Pinterest is also like any other sales funnel and you need to optimize your sales funnels from leaky leads to get high conversions. Provide the best content and pins for the stages such as awareness, consideration, and purchase. Objective, solution, bid type, targeting and KPIs. 

  • Organize your pins with SEO

First of all, write a catchy pin title to garner attention from people. People want to plan for all life’s moments. So, you have the opportunity to deliver relevant content that fulfills their needs. An ideal pin description can be written in less than 500 characters with a call to action. 

  • Prominence to visuals and alt text

Ship-shaping your Pinterest pin board with engaging, right-size images and videos is one way to increase engagement. Social media algorithm is so tricky, to make your algorithm search engine friendly, you can use alt text so that disabled people can also benefit from your feed. Another way is to add long descriptive image names. When you do you may start with a keyword. 

  • Use Pinterest analytics

Whatever strategic targeting based on keywords executed there will be areas for improvement. So, Pinterest itself provides analytics to see your brand’s engagement and whether it is leading to a purchasing journey. The plugin is a huge resource as it provides great insights into how targets interact with your brand.

  • Experiment variety of Ad formats

Experiment with different ad formats on your Pinterest to see what works for your products. Image, video, carousel and collections are some kinds of pins you can use as ads to get more views and engagement. Most of the ads on Pinterest have lower cost per conversion. 

  • Define audience 

Define your audience based on several characteristics but not limited to demographics. Apart from gender, language and location, you can create an ideal buyer persona using behavioural targeting such as keywords, interests and actalikes. 

Winding up

You have understood how does Pinterest SEO work and how can you leverage the platform of inspiration for your business success. If you still have doubts about the steps involved in how to use Pinterest for affiliate marketing please reach out to a top SEO expert for professional advice. We will be happy to help you understand what Is Pinterest SEO in detail. Connecting early with the target, getting creative about pins, planning media ahead of time and staying relevant with trends are ways to drive traffic on Pinterest. 

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