
Maximizing PPC Services In Dubai: A Guide For Technology Companies By PPC Advertising Agency

More and more companies are discovering the benefits of PPC services Dubai. PPC can be just more than a lead generation tool. With different campaigns available on Google and Microsoft ads a sophisticated PPC program can support buyers in every part of their journey. But competitive keywords in certain industries especially in the technology industry can turn out to be costly. PPC advertising agency Dubai suggests that expensive keywords should not prevent you from developing a PPC strategy to help you reach your goals in the industry.

When you avail the services of PPC agency Dubai, in reaching out to your target audience in the competitive technology space.

Making use of detailed demographics in Google Ads

In Google AdWords, an audience type called detailed demographics is accessible at the ad group or campaign level. Advertisers can target demographics other than the ones that are typically available with this audience group.

It is important to understand the campaign types available for this type of targeting. With the demographics options the possibilities are endless. There is an option of using targeting indicating that you are using targeting users who belong to this category. Another option is observation meaning that you are targeting users along with anyone else who does not fit in the category.

PPC advertising agency Dubai suggests that if you have not used detailed demographics targeting you can begin by adding the demographics. You can gain insight into how these audience segments interact differently from those classified in the aforementioned demographics by first adding them as observations.

Once enough evidence tries switching the elements to targeting to really narrow in those segments narrowly.

Keep the keywords broad when targeting the audience

A switch to targeting instead of observation will narrow down the search in these campaigns. Narrowing along with limiting is not a bad thing. By layering the audience into segments, you are further succeeding the targeted group Once the targeting is trimmed, you may try testing out broad-match keywords specific to the audiences. You should not go wild at first and adopt a reliable approach. There is another thing about keywords as each one searches differently.

The conversion from B2B campaigns emerges from low volume, high intent searches with broad match keywords. Though the campaigns can target individual users. It may shed light on language or user behaviours that you may not have thought of using before. PPC agency Dubai sheds light on language or buyer behaviours that you may not have thought of buying before.

Do not ignore Microsoft ads

Since the competition in Google ads continues to grow, no wonder to the fact that companies are becoming aggressive on other platforms. Microsoft ads can be a hidden goldmine for technology companies due to its exclusive LinkedIn profile targeting feature. Microsoft is the only platform that provides this form of targeting apart from Linkeldn.

Advertisers are able to target the following characteristics of a user’s LinkedIn profile

  • Company- choose as few or many individual companies that suit your criteria. Presently there are around 80,000 companies that you can target.
  • Industry type- examples include “ Hardware & Networking, Manufacturing. Software & IT services.
  • Job function- examples include job function, marketing, operations and more.

Presently this targeting is available as a bid only. This means that you can increase or decrease the bids on demographics but will not be able to target users who match these criteria. To get around this limitation it is better if you set the keywords bid low and use a significant bid increase on the demographic targets. This in no way is foolproof but it presents an ideal way to showcase your ads to someone who complies with your criteria.

Introduce your brand with video ads on YouTube

Gone are the days of targeting, $ 50 CPC search items every day in the hope that you may have enough budget to obtain a few clicks every day. According to PPC advertising agency Dubai this form of marketing will not have the needle till you have an unlimited budget. If you are under the assumption that video ads work only for B2B companies then you may be proven wrong. Technology and other B2B companies are utilising the power of video advertisements as an affordable means of connecting with relevant and receptive audiences.

Be aware that the objective of  YouTube ads is not to generate immediate conversions as the main goal is to measure brand awareness. This is why attribution and utilizing marketing is important for this campaign type. You could layer video audiences on top of the search campaigns and increase offers on those sections.

Make sure that the tech brands’ marketing assets are clear and compelling

This may be the most important recommendation of all but it should not be overlooked. If there are multiple target audiences you need to be speaking to them in different ways. Marketing messaging has become emotional as the goal is to speak to the pain points of every user.

The second objective of PPC services Dubai is your product offering. Is it appropriate for all marketing offers to be the same on all advertising platforms?

If you are in the technological industry and relying on the expertise of a traditional PPC  advertising agency Dubai it is the right time to test something new. More so marketing budgets are the first to have an impact once performance dips. Being aware of this, regardless of the industry the onus is on you to be innovative in altering your approach in reaching out to your ideal customer.

This may include the formulation of new ad campaigns like video ads or different platforms like Microsoft ads, Redditt, and Quora. Even the tech sector can benefit from these PPC pointers. Once you are aware of the possibilities offered by PPC agency Dubai, you can use more effective marketing techniques to counteract those expensive search CPCs.

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