In the last few years, email marketing has come a long way. Most brands are resorting to functionality, but you know what is funny? A plain, well-written email can perform just as well, if not better, than one with tonnes of whistles and bells. You need to be aware of how to write a marketing email, if it is devoid of well-written content, subscribers will start opening and deleting it.
How to write a marketing email is important as it involves a few copywriting practices that are to be applied to the subject line of the email and the message body itself. Next time when you are drafting an email message, you need to verify whether the copy complies with the guidelines first.

Copywriting tips for well-drafted emails
Starting off with better subject lines, it is better to start with copywriting tips that are to be followed by tips related to the bodies of your emails.
Developing a Subject Line
Part of an effective email message is nailing the subject line. The subject line happens to be the crux of your email. No one would like to receive a stellar copy of your email if they are not interested in opening an email in the first place.
The interest evolves around the subject line of an email, with the sender’s name playing an important role. Going one step ahead, here is a distillation of how to write a marketing email.
Using actionable language
When emailing subject lines, using actionable language does not mean using verbs, though that certainly is helpful. Incorporating a verb is one of the most effective ways of using an actionable verb in email subject lines, as the reader is aware of what exactly they can do in an email.
Without relying on verbs, there are ways of using actionable verbs that give you more room to play around with wording. That is, the language you use should make it clear to the recipient what they can do with the information mentioned in an email if they choose to open it. This means that the value is kept in mind at all times.
Personalize if there is a possibility
A segmented email tends to have superior performance levels, such as an open rate along with a click-through rate, in comparison to emails that are not personalized. Figures indicate that targeted and segmented emails generate 58% of revenue for markets surveyed, and emails directed to specific recipients were responsible for 36% of sales.
This is not at all surprising. The more segmented your email list, the better you can personalize your subject line and provide relevant content to the email recipient. Ask yourself the following question: Is there any way to make an email subject line more personal?

Consider this example: You are a real estate agent with an enormous database of clients.
A few of them would like to buy, while others would be looking to rent. All of them tend to have different price points with which they are comfortable. A good place to live can be found in many different cities and zip codes.
A group of them would accept homes that have been renovated in the last five years or so.
You are not going to make a blanket list across all the different segments, are you? Even the email subject line should not be the same, as each of them needs to speak of radically different segments.
Clarity is to be prioritized, and then only think about catchiness
The subject line has to be clear first, and secondly, it has to be catchy. In marketing terms, the major priority has to be clarity. If the subject line is clear, it goes a long way towards sustaining why email marketing is important. For entertainment value, you should never sacrifice clarity.
A few of the subject lines could make the recipients chuckle or maybe be bizarre enough to pique your interest. But you need to be clear about what you will get when you open an email.
The subject line and email copy are to be aligned
You may be aware of how important it is for the call-to-action copy and the landing page to be in sync. There is no difference when you craft your email subject line and email message. What an email subject line promises must be delivered. Click-through rates decline when readers do not receive what was promised in the subject line, which is not simply as responsible. In the long run, so would your email open rates.
If the subject line is precise and accurate, the click rates are expected to improve in comparison to subject lines that are vague and less accurate. A point to consider is that a high email open rate means nothing without any click-throughs.
Writing an email
By now you may have drafted a stellar subject line, as the attention of the audience is glued to the body of your email message. The question is, “How do you craft a copy that gets them clicking?” Some of the vital components that you need to know are
Establish relevancy
Both the language in an email’s body and the subject line should strive to establish relevance through customization. Again, it will take more than a catchy tagline to persuade leaders of what is inside an email and what is relevant to them. So, the start of an email is to explain how well you know each other.
Writing in the second person
The pronouns “you,” “your,” and “yours” must be used when writing in the second person..” Consider the fact that you should always remember to pack your jacket while leaving in the morning. It shows that the copy is written with the reader in mind, not with you.
How to write a marketing email requires a nice blend of second-person language in which the focus is on the customer rather than the brand. This is a subtle tactic that enables you to stay value-oriented.
Do not discuss the features; focus on the benefits
Even if you might understand the importance of an email, does the recipient? It is your responsibility to explain it to them if that is not the case. The problem is that some of the emails just outline the benefits of what they are giving, not the features.

Be brief and to the point
A mistake that copywriters end up making is showcasing the entire benefit in an email message. Think about opening a marketing email in your inbox. Will you read each and every word that is included there? It involves skimming the key aspects in order to understand the overall message and determine whether you want to take action or not.
So, when you are sending emails with hundreds of words of copy, you are making it difficult for the recipients to decide whether they want to click through as they are not able to sift through the entire information in your email. The objective is to persuade the reader to click through to a website page for further information by succinctly summarising what they will learn.
Keeping the message to the point highlights why email marketing is important. What is the point you are trying to make with an email? If you know the action that an email is bound to achieve, it motivates the recipients to work out as you are going to have a succinct email copy that will remain focused on the end goal.
Be lovable
Just because emails convey information does not mean they can also delight. In some cases, however, email can be a great way to let your brand personality shine and develop meaningful relationships with your email lists. Providing a lovable experience with your audience begins and ends with the manner in which you communicate with them.
In your call to action, use actionable language
Emails have a call to action. Well, the good ones definitely do, and first and foremost, an email call to action should be easy to identify. Be aware that people scan their emails, and if there is one thing with which you want the recipient to comply, it is the call to action. As an example, if you are sending HTML mail, you may want to include a button. There are a couple of pointers that make your call to action effective.
Great design- the call-to-action button should be easy to find
Great copy- As the call-to-action button must have language that is clear, concise, and action-oriented, the button’s copy is equally crucial.
To sum up, spending some effort optimizing the plain text emails for a distinct call-to-action might also be a good alternative.
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